Pre dater Part 1

At the behest of our Patrons over on Patreon (please, please, please become a patron!) they voted on us talking about the 1987 classic jungle alien movie Predator. Listen in as Pat and Bruce wax poetically about bad girlfriend jokes, wearing suits in the South Pacific or South America, The other guy cause looking up the names is too hard, and how many snakes were in Dutch’s trousers during that one scene. Some of this and more, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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2024 Sportsball The 3rd

Pat and the Fat Man bring you up to date on all things sportsball, although not up to date with the recent Hockey and Basketball news, we do have lots to talk about in football, soccer, baseball, and potentially other sports. But yeah, get ready to listen in to another Sportsball take from expert sportball watchers Pat and Bruce.

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The Sandlot Part 5

Pat and Bruce finally bring the Sandlot home for everyone to enjoy. Listen in as we take you through the way in which the boys finally get out of the pickle, how much a Babe Ruth signed ball is actually worth, and what happened to all of the kids as they grew up and became part of The Machine. Some of this and more, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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2024 Sportsball The 2nd

We’ve been out for a little bit, but we have a three-for-one posting to make up for it. First we offer you Sportsballs 2024 the 2nd part – soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball, you name it and Pat and/or Bruce might talk about it. Who’s to say what they will talk about in this episode. Find out, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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The Sandloot Part 4

The kids are now in the biggest pickle they’ve ever been in. Listen in as Pat and Bruce critique a bunch of kids who try to get a baseball back from a giant dog instead of just knocking on the door and asking the owner to get it back. Erector sets don’t work, kids in rigs similar to mission impossible devices don’t work, drone rocket ships don’t work, vacuum cleaner suction rigs don’t work. Some of these and more, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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2024 Sportsball The 1st

Pat and Bruce are at it again, coming at you not so live with all things Sportballs 2024. Gotta get ready for the new season, the changes coming down the line in baseball and football, the new no explosions after the fifth period rule, and the drastically crazy no hip swivel tackle. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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The Sandlet Part 3

Pat and the Fat Man return to the Sandlot, that most wonderful of places in the world, except when it’s 105 degrees out and so instead we head to the pool. Listen in as Pat and Bruce talk about the pool scene, followed by several other baseball like scenes where they play on the 4th of July, they defeat a well funded and outfitted little league team from the good side of town, and Smalls wrestles a tiger with his bear hands, to devastating effectiveness. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Sportsball 2023 The End

Pat and Bruce review most of the football season, along with baseball, some soccer, and some other stuff, probably. You get to see if any of our predictions came true and what the massively changing landscape of the sportsball field looks like, what with all the changes in football, NCAA sports, and baseball.

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The Sandal Lot Part 2

Pat and Bruce continue their journey through the childhood classic The Sandlot. Join us as we wax poetic about Dennis Leary’s parenting style, and how Smalls is killing them, about the origins of the beast, about how Small’s mom posed for very risque photos and is recognized by the kids on the team. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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The Sardlot – Part 1

Pat and Bruce start their next fan chosen movie, The Sandlot. Out of all the baseball movies you could have picked, you picked The Sandlot, well cr&*, I guess we’ll have to review it then. Strap in as Pat and Bruce spend the next hour talking about roughly 10 minutes of film time in this seminal classic about kids, growing up, getting into trouble, sexual assault, and bad step-parenting. Oh yeah, and baseball.

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Sportsball 2023

Welcome to Sportsball 2023. As we head into the Sportsball season, or at least the portion of sportball that we care about, we figured we’d give you a sportball episode to chew on before we get to our new movie, The Sandlot. So sit back and listen in to Pat and the Fat Man pontificate about the great sport of foosball.

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Escape from New York 3

And now we come to the end of the movie, and you all are A number 1, Duke of New York for sticking with us over this past month because we have not posted a new episode since June. As we come to the close of the movie, the timer on Snake’s wristwatch keeps going faster and faster like some crazy perpetual motion machine. Listen in as Pat and Bruce discuss the finer points of screwing over the world, where Snake’s tattoo actually ends, and how the scene at the end of Ernest Borgnine coming back from the dead and strangling the president was the capstone that the movie really needed.

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Boozeball 2023

Taking a break from the super ultra fast paced Escape from New York we are gonna talk about some baseball. New pitch clock, new hit clock, no shift, a minimum of one sacrifice per game, two beers chugged after you round 3rd, and so many more new things discussed in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man!

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Escapist from New York Part 2

Snake Blitzen, Blitzken, Blizzard…whatever…is still trapped in the maximum security penitentiary that is Manhattan city. Listen in as Pat and the Fat Man talk incessantly about the slow pans, 80s music, people recognizing Snake but thinking he was dead, and the president getting shot over and over and over and over and over and over again, like I’m sure we’ve all wanted to do at some time in our life….anyways, some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Escape’ from New York Part 1

Welcome to Manhattan, city of the future, the dystopian future that is. Marvel at the lack of utilities, the waste of a massive city, and cab drivers who have somehow been inside a maximum security prison from twenty years before it was built. Why did the U.S. decide to wall off Manhattan and use it as a prison, how did they get this past the Port Authority, Teamsters, Mafia, and the most despised man or woman in America – the mayor of New York? Will Snake Bli All this and more covered by Pat and the Fat Man on this first part of our Patron chosen episode of Escape from New York.

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Patreon Sneak Peak 2023

Welcome to a Patreon Sneak Peak where we give you access to one of our Patreon episodes for free here in the main feed. It’s a PB&J Short of Season 3 Episodes 1&2 of the Mandalorian. Listen in to all the Patreon only goodness, free here now for your perusal. But if you want to listen in to the next parts of our review of Season 3 of the Mandalorian you’ll need to head over to the Patreon and sign up to be a fan. Won’t you please be a big fan of ours? Pretty please! And thank you!

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Red Dawn Part 7

We made it! We made it to the gruesome and honestly very sad finale of the movie…we made it…hurray?!?! Listen in as Pat and Bruce break down the final fifteen minutes of the movie. The tragic ends of the two brothers, the heroic escape of the two survivors, the really quick and kinda slapdash outro, the space alien reveal, some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Red Dawns Part 6

Back to the Movies! Red Dawns Part 6 takes us into the cold winter months and the downfall of the Wolverines. We go over the gut punches that are the slow demise of the team and the dissolution of the group under heavy fire and heavy pressure. The movie continues to stay real, gritty, and low budget. Join Pat and Bruce as we get real too, and talk waaaay too much about every little detail, just the way we like it on another episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Sportsball Pre-Playoffs

Want to be able to talk about those sportsball teams during their big sportsball game? Well we’ve got the episode for you. I mean, it might not have the playoff information, but who needs that for the superb owl, am’i’right? Well, anyways, get to some sportsball listening and we’ll catch you on the other side.

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Sportsball 2022 Week 8-9

Sportsball continues and the Aggie’s and Brown’s seasons are only getting worse as the teams begin to stack up impressive losing streaks not seen for decades…well not the Browns. The Cowboys continue on in heroic fashion while the Astros clutch the pennet and take it to the world series. Also a couple words about Hockey. Whooooooo Sportsball!

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Redder Dawn Part 5

We move from October into November and just like the bleakness of late fall, things start to get bleaker for our heroes. The addition of the Colonel brings some different feelings into the mix. The horrors of war and sieges are explored. Whether children should be fighting or acting as an insurgent sabotage force is a question that comes to the foreground. Finally they make a go at smuggling the Colonel out and things go awry.

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Sportsball 2022 Week 7

Sportsball continues, and it continues to go downhill for both the Aggies and Browns, but fortunately uphill for the Cowboys and the Astros. Also downhill for Bruce’s hockey team….so…well Bruce is pretty sports unhappy right now, let’s put it that way. Pat fully understands that being an Aggie fan means mostly being in pain all the time with some moments of awesome….but mostly pain.

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Sportsball 2022 Week 6

Two episodes in a week?!?!? What is going on, could it be that the stars have aligned between Pat, Bruce, and Che, our wonderful and gorgeous editor, and they can now crank these things out like wigets in a factory? Well, kind of, at least for the time being we are gonna ride this wave of productivity. Today it’s still all about Sportsball: college football, nfl, baseball, hockey, other stuff maybe, probably…maybe.

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Sportsball 2022 Weeks 1-5

And just like that the leaves change colors, the weather gets cooler, and Pat and Bruce start talking about the sportsball. Our regularly scheduled movie programming will return, as we work in episodes around our stupendous coverages of College Football, the NFL, baseball, the NHL, and soccer, possibly even basketball if we want to go crazy. Either way, welcome to the start of our yearly coverage of the sports ball. Gig’Em Aggies, Go Browns, and How About Them Cowboys!

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Red Dawner Part 4

Thank you everyone for continuing to listen to our Podcast. We know we’ve been out of it for a little while. Both Bruce and I got new jobs which made timing recordings difficult and then 4 of our recordings got deleted via technology. So, very frustratedly, we finally got this one down on the books. So welcome back to Red Dawn! We got two scenes under our belt, but we were happy to get that and have it work.

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Red Dawns Part 2

We move further into the story of these children who are forced to grow up fast as their town is attacked and taken by communist forces. We get to meet some of the villains, see how the kids deal with being on their own in the woods for a while, and get a glimpse of what has become of occupied America.

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Red Drawn Part 1

Per the request of one of our Patrons we have decided to review Red Dawn, the seminal Communist attack the US so a bunch of kids go into the woods and become a brigade of freedom fighters movie. Cause that’s a common trope amongst the movies. So we dive head first into this stumbled into masterpiece of coming of age, dealing with trauma, multi-generational feelings sharing, and war. Seriously it’s really hard to tell if the director planned these scenes to be as good as they are or if he just kept lucking into it.

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The Big Lebowski Part 6

The sixth and final installment of our comprehensive review of the cult classic film The Big Lebowski. You’ve journeyed with us this far through one of, naw the, most ridiculous movie of all time, lets bring this thing to a close. Tune in as we discuss the final confrontation between the Lebowski’s, the crazy unfair fight, and saying good by to Donnie. And like the Stranger says, I’m a little raw about that one.

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The Bigg Lebowski part 5

As we close into the endgame of the Big Lebowski we see how much crazier things can get, and somehow, it keeps getting crazier. I mean seriously, how did we even get to this point. Who throws a man out of their cab because he doesn’t like the Eagles? Seriously, who does that? Not Pat and the Fat Man…..okay maybe Pat….maybe…

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2021 NFL Football Roundup

Yes I am aware we are in the third month of 2022, but the 2021 football season strays into 2022 these days, plus like the month we need to actually record and get our recording to our editors. Either way, Bruce hated the Superbowl. I enjoyed it, but was saddened by the outcome. Sports newscasters are mostly spineless, the way that guy got broken in half in the last seconds of the Superbowl, and college players getting paid, some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Patreon Preview – PB&J Shorts – WandaVision 1

This Bi-Monthly episode is a look into what we have available on our Patreon. Patrons have access to two exclusive contents sets: Trailer Reviews and PB&J shorts. Trailer Reviews are just what they sound like – reviews of trailers for upcoming movies. PB&J Shorts are short form versions of our regular podcast where we do an overview of a TV show’s episodes, what we liked and disliked, and don’t get quite so down to the nitty gritty like we do with our movie reviews, although we can’t help ourselves sometimes. This episode is the first PB&J Short and is our take on the first three episodes of the Disney+ TV show WandaVision. Join our Patreon to get the rest today!

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The Big Lebrownsky – Part 4

Back to the Movies we go. Where were we….oh right….the most ridiculous movie ever made, that somehow keeps getting more and more ridiculous from scene to scene. We’ve crossed the midpoint of the movie now and are entering to the rehash of each scene, but with the ridiculous taken to 11. Marmot in a bathtub folks, marmot in a bathtub.

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2021 College Fooseball Season Roundup

And we’re done, except for the playoffs, and bowl games, but you know, a lot of not caring about that is going on right now. This is the end of the regular season, not as great for Texas A&M as we would have liked, turned out to be something of a rebuilding year for the offense. We will see what next year brings and if me and Bruce want to do a post bowl/playoff recording. Otherwise, it’ll be back to the movies for us.

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2021 College Footballs Week 6 to 8

And back to the footballs! Been some rough times for the Aggies, Auburn, Razorbacks, Ohio State, and luckily also Texas. Basically college football has been super crazy this year, honestly even crazier than last year which is dang impressive. Only two teams left with a spotless score: Georgia and Cincinnati, so let’s all hope that they let Cinnci into the final four.

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The Brig Lebowski – Part 3

come back to the movies, we thought we’d take a break from the football and head back to the films, especially will the collapse of both the Browns and Texas A&M. I mean seriously what is going on in the NFL and the SEC West this year?!?!?! Jiminy Cricket!! Right then let’s move on to the movie, yeah. Plenty more ridiculous stuff in this episode, but you know that, so onward to the show!

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2021 NFL Football part 1

I honestly can’t remember what weeks of football we covered exactly so I’m just saying Part 1. Listen on as Pat and Bruce discuss the performance of their favorite teams, The Browns and The Cowboys. And strangely enough it appears as if it might just be a good year for both teams, which is shocking in so many many ways. So strap in as Pat and Bruce start their journey through the 2020 NFL Season.

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2021 College Football Weeks 3, 4 & 5

From the wreckage of the Colorado game to slightly raised hopes of the New Mexico game, to the horror that was the Arkansas game and the total bleep show that was the Mississippi State game, journey with Pat and Bruce through weeks 3, 4 and 5 of college football. Also a bunch of other teams played, people thought Texas was going to be good, shockingly that aren’t, and it turns out that Alabama isn’t quite as good as everyone thought…spoilers…

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The Big Lebrowski – Part 2

Continuing our way through the mind bleep that is The Big Lebowski, Pat and Bruce stumble down the rabbit hole into weird and stranger scenes. Join us as we comfort the Big Lebowski in his hour of internal torment, as we meet the most interesting man in the bowling alley, The Jesus, as we see Donny kill Walter’s dog, and watch as everything goes horribly wrong while her life is in your hands. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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2020-1 Olympics and College Sports

The 2020 Olympics in 2021 is here. Listen in as Pat and Bruce provide overview coverage of the first week or so the summer Olympics. Opinions about swimmers, gymnasts, shooters, fencers, professionals, and the terrible coverage provided by NBC abound. Also, interesting news in the college sports arena, again about money, and what people are or will be willing to do it in the future to get it. Come and get another helping of Pat and the Fat Man as we move ever closer to football season (I’m literally posting this while watchin the Cowboys vs Texans pre-season game).

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The Big Lebowerski Part 1

Welcome to another episode of Pat and the Fat Man where we are beginning our journey through the cult classic movie The Big Lebowski. Join us as we start at the low end of ridiculousness with writing a check for 69 cents to buy half and half, to fishing some glasses out of a toilet to put on, to a banana rainstorm, to a gun getting pulled in a bowling alley over an over the line fault. Some of this and more, in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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2021 Summer College Sports

happening in college sports this summer. Listen in as Pat and Bruce talk about the Supreme Court weighing in the NCAA’s treatment of student athletes, as well as what’s ahead for A&M in the this year’s football season. Given that this was recorded a couple of weeks ago we totally discuss the new news of TU and OU trying to horn in on A&M and Mizzu’s jump to the SEC…totally.

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Summer BBall

It’s getting to be that time again! Time for the annual dragging of Bruce down to the river and forcing him to live in a van, you ask? No, time to start talking about sports again. As we emerge from the colder months….and also the springier months…we get to start talking about sports we care about. We’re starting this year with baseball and the shakeups that have happened in that arena.

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Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Part 4

The finale of Bruce and Pat’s review of the iconic trope filled film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. As the conclusion of the film looms large we cover the culmination of each character’s arc. Listen in as we discuss Cameron’s relationship with his parents, Shawna’s conversation with Charlie Sheen in a hauntingly accurate portrayal of his own future self, Sloan wrapping up Ed Roony in a blanket and throwing him off a bridge, and Ferris’ final words to the audience. Some of this and more on today’s episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Ferris Bueller’s Days Off – Part 3

Part 3 of Pat and the Fat Man’s review of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. From baseball to art museums to parades. Join Pat and Bruce as they talk about the unbelievability of holding hands with random children in a museum, of randomly running into your dad in a traffic jam, of taking over a parade including the speaker system, and of randomly becoming an extra in a movie by dancing. All this and more on another episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Ferris Bueller’s Day Offs – Part 2

Unlike 16 Candles, which we did in one go, we decided to take our time with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off…because we felt like it. As we move further into the movie’s City of Chicago Tourism Board section listen in as Pat and Bruce discuss the lengths to which Ferris is going to get this day off, the relationship between Ferris and his best friend, and how awesome it is to drive a Ferrari. Some of this, possibly all of this, and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Ferris Bueller’s Day Orf – Part 1

The other tied winner of our 80’s iconic movie poll. Thank goodness this one was a lot more fun than 16 Candles. So strap in and listen close as Pat and Bruce explore the deeper meaning behind all things Ferris Bueller, what is undoubtable the most iconic City of Chicago tourism department’s best advertisement ever. Hear Pat expound on trope after trope after trope, and Bruce talk about how fun it is to jump from tall buildings like the Sears tower. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and The Fat Man.

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16 Candles

The tied winner of our iconic 80’s movie poll, we watched and reviewed 16 Candles. This was pretty rough, all around. This movie has not aged well and it was a bear to both watch and review. So listen in as Pat and Bruce begrudgingly make their way through a classic 80’s movie that maybe should have stayed in the 80s.

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Disney Investorday Review – Marvel

Disney announced a ridiculous number of new shows and movies during their investor day. Pat and Bruce review the various pieces of the puzzle that relate to Marvel. Will Marvel continue it’s constant production of movies, how are the TV shows shaping up, how is Reed Richards gonna kill everyone this time? Some of this discussed, probably, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith – Part 6

We did it! We made it to the end of Episode 3! I am so happy we finally made it here with you our loyal fan(s)! Listen in as we cover so many of the terrible decisions made at the end, the mysterious death of Luke and Leia’s mom, what happened to Yon’ma’ren, and Bruce completely changing his mind on which Prequel episode is the best. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man!

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Star Wars Episode 3 Revengence of the Sith – Part 5

Back to the movies! Now we triumphantly return to Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, the best of the Prequels…or so at least Pat thinks. As we come down to the close of this episode Pat and Bruce expound more and more about the events of the film, the lead in to the major fight scenes, the decisions, and very terrible ones we might add, that Yoda and Obi Wan make, the killing of children and how terrible that really is, some or all of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Marvel Phase 4 Preview

What’s in store for Marvel Phase 4. Pat and the Fat Man talk through the announced stuff for Marvel Phase 4 and tackle several rumors which have been confirmed since this material was recorded. Sorry for the delay, we were getting our fooseball on. We have recorded an updated podcast that goes over things how they stand now, after the Disney investors day announcements. For now, enjoy our wild speculation and see what we got wrong and what we got right on this episode of Pat and Fat Man.

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Sportsball 2020 The Last Part

We are fully aware that it’s 2021, but we are happy to be living in the past, cause at least for the Texas A&M Aggies and the Cleveland Browns, the 2020 to 2021 football season was pretty good. On the college side of the ball we have some coverage of the national championship as well as who is leaving and who is staying next year for A&M. On the NFL side, we talk about how the Browns faired in their Playoff Run and whose going to the Superbowl. And while both of us might watch the Superbowl this year, neither of us has a dog in the fight so we aren’t gonna report on it. So that’s it, Fooseball 2020 is over, we’ll see you in September.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 7-2

The end of the regular season, and the runup to the playoffs. Do the Browns get in, which they have a good shot at doing? How about the Cowboys, they somehow also have a shot…because the NFC East is about as awesome as this podcast, I mean, well, if you read this hopefully you got a chuckle out of that 🙂

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Sportsball 2020 Part 7-1

It’s BOWL TIME here on Pat and the Fat Man. Find out what happened during the Texas A&M vs North Carolina Orange Bowl. Also featured is coverage of several bowl games such as Kyle Trask entering into interception town, Cincinnati almost beating Georgia, and of course the not so surprising results of Alabama vs Notre Dame and the very surprising results of Clemson vs Ohio State.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 6-2

The NFL is all topsy turvy again this week as the Cowboys and several other NFC Least teams decide to play like they are payed money to play. The Browns continue forward toward a possible playoff appearance, something that hasn’t happened in a long long time. It’s all craziness, all the time in the NFL right now, according to Pat and Bruce, and things are only posed to get more ridiculous.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 6-1

This time sportsball is coming to you broken up, one episode is college and the next is professional. College ball continues forward toward the college football playoffs. Texas A&M defeats Auburn on the road, making it a close game in the half but dominating the last two quarters to walk away with a win. What this all means, as well as wins and losses around the league are today’s topic of discussion. Are we about three weeks behind the times, yes, yes we are, but it doesn’t make our out of date opinions any less out of date, I mean relevant…right…relevant.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 5

Welcome back to Sportsball 2020 here with Pat and the Fat Man. Another three weeks gone by and another couple of games due to Covid and by-weeks. Due to Covid concerns A&M only played one time in the three previous weeks (we aren’t counting this last weekend yet, cause the Cowboys haven’t played yet). A&M looking pretty rocky after their two weeks off, the Cowboys looking good against the Vikings and then awful again against the Washington Football Team, and the Browns still chugging along and getting wins despite not looking great doing it. All this discussed and more on the this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 4

Pat and Bruce continue their catchup journey through two more weeks of Sportsball 2020. Again, only football this time, we’ll get you the ALCS and the World Series someday, probably, actually definitely since I had to stay up endless hours to watch the games I’m gonna talk to someone about them even if it’s just myself. Either way, we cover Texas A&M versus Arkansas and South Carolina, The Browns versus the Bengals and The Raiders, and finally the Cowboys versus Eagles and Steelers.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 3

Pat and Bruce continue Sportsball 2020, a little late, but neverless they squeezed it out. Two weekends worth of fooseball as we follow the Texas A&M Aggies on their upswing, the Browns as they play like a decent team, and the Cowboys as the collapse like a flan in a cupboard. No boozeball on this outing, we’ll bring you to that next time!

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Sportsball 2020 Part 2

Pat and Bruce continue the journey though Sportsball 2020. Listen in as they discuss the beginnings of the ALCS between the Houston Astros and the Tampa Bay Rays, the crazy series of games that swept college football in Week 3, the ultra Crazy Game between The Cowboys and the Giants, and the mostly fun Browns game. They might also have mentioned basketball, maybe.

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Sportsball 2020 Part 1

Pat and Bruce begin their journey into the 2020 sports seasons. Listen in as Pat laments how much money we’re paying an underperforming Cowboys. Hear Bruce as he laments the Indians early drop from the playoffs. Open your ear hole to Pat and Bruce exploring the Stanley Cup games. Be amazed as they both fail to understand how awesome Basketball is, cause sooooooo many people are watching it I’m sure. All this and more, possibly, on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Space X and Sportsball

We are in the midst of Sports Season now and so we are breaking from our Star Wars ness in order to catchup on our Sports episodes. This episode comes from the beginning of the sports season possibilities back in the midst of Covid-19 and covers both our thoughts about the various sports and also our thoughts concerning the launch of Space X’s manned Dragon Capsule. Listen as we oooohhh and aaaaahhh about the return to manned flight here in ‘Merica, we talk about how nobody cares about Basketball, and bemoan the likelihood that Kellen Mond will probably still be the Aggie’s starting quarterback. Some of that and more on this episode of Pat and The Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Reverenge of the Sith – Part 4

Pat and Bruce continue their review of Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. Note to the listener between the last recording and this one were roughly three months…maybe six…maybe one…honestly it’s hard to tell how time is/was moving during this Corononess. Either way, don’t be shocked if Pat and Bruce cover a bunch of ground that was covered in the last episode again, but it’s all new stuff about those scenes….or mostly new stuff…some new stuff…All that and more on this episode of Pat and The Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Reverge of the Sith – Part 3

Pat and Bruce continue their slog through Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. As we move into the middle phase of the movie listen as Bruce marvels at how easily manipulated Anakin is. Listen in as Pat also marvels at how easily manipulated Anakin is. Also listen in to how easily manipulated almost everyone is in what is basically a series of master-strokes made by a guy who can really play the long game. All of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Scythians – Part 2

Pat and Bruce continue their journey through the last of the prequel movies, Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Listen in as Pat and Bruce discuss the finer points of how to recover quickly from shocking news, how machinations never really work out for anyone involved, and how cute and fluffy Yoda really is. Some of this and more on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Scythe

Welcome back to another episode of Pat and the Fat Man. We apologize for the absences, but we burned through our backlog of shows and then 2/3rds of the crew had major life events occur – house buying and new jobbing and all that fun stuff. But we are back now with Pat and Bruce as they make their way through the final Star Wars Prequel movie Revenge of the Sith.

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Star Wars Preview

Tune in as Pat and Bruce muse about what Disney has upcoming for Star Wars. Honestly it isn’t much so this is a shorter episode, cause Disney is not doing much with this amazing property except screwing it all up big time. I mean seriously Brian Johnson, you can go suck an egg you crappy director idiot child. Anyways, Mandalorian is where it’s all at now anyways….Oh yeah, listen to Pat and Bruce in another episode of Pat and The Fat Man.

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Gubernment Regulation

Join Pat and Bruce as they talk in circles about government regulation and the goods and shortfalls of the system we live in. Listen in as Pat badly explains the difference between a regulated utility and the unregulated market, as Bruce touts the necessity of having oversite, as Pat explains how to correctly craft the elixir of life, and as Bruce calls out the problems with single source systems. Some of that and more on this episode of Pat and Fat Man.

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TV and Stuff

Join Pat and Bruce as they continue to ramble on while Bruce puts in his hours on the road. Mostly we talk about TV shows we’ve watched, are watching, or plan to watch. Heavy emphasis on How I Met Your Mother since Bruce took his sweet ass time getting around to finally watching the best show with the worst ending ever. So without further ado, welcome to another episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Trucking Life, Taxes, and COVID-19

Join Bruce and Pat for another “exciting” episode of Pat and the Fat Man, where we join Bruce on his Big Rig Truckin’ across ‘Merica. We cover such wide ranging topics as Why there aren’t enough parking spaces at rest stops, Why Pat should probably stop doing his own Taxes, and why you need to be an adult and follow the safety suggestions during the COVID-19 epidemic. I mean its an epidemic people, how *bleeping* serious does it need to get before you start acting like an adult?

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Sportsball Stuff

Welcome to another Episode of Pat and the Fat Man. Pat and Bruce discuss sportsball stuff especially in light of the covid-19 epidemic and what is happening with the various sports that we all know and love. Is baseball going to happen and will it all be in Arizona, what happened with the XFL, with no basketball this year did anyone notice, what about the college players how rogered are they? Some of these things talked about, possibly in the last episode, and more, in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Fooseball 2019 Review

Welcome to another Episode of Pat and the Fat Man. Pat and Bruce muse on their football teams and their performance, or lack of performance, in the 2019 football season. How good were the Cowboys supposed to be, how well did the Browns do exactly, what about the Aggies, what about 2020, what’s the deal with that? All these things are probably covered, briefly, in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones – Part 3

Welcome to another Episode of Pat and the Fat Man. We made it all the way to 10 podcasts can you believe it! Wooooooo! Woo! Wo! Anyways, Pat and Bruce talk through the exciting conclusion to this flaming pile of amazing. How good are Yoda’s light saber skills, what all can you do with the Force, wouldn’t it have been hilarious if Jango’s head had fallen out of his helmet when Boba picked it up, will Padme do the right thing? These things, potentially, and more on the tenth episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clowns – Part 2

Join Pat and Bruce as we split the part into ultra awkward teen drama fest and super cool Jedi Noir stories. What are Anakin’s views on government and sweet sweet love, why is Padme all up in his grill about security, does Obiwan just know everyone in the galaxy, and what the hell does “south” mean when your figuring out directions in freaking space? Pat and Bruce converse about all these things and more in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clods – Part 1

Join Pat and Bruce as they begin their slow journey through Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. How much has Anakin really grown up, how important is your lightsaber, how many limbs has Obiwan chopped off over the course of his career, how awkward can George Lucas force people to act? Shockingly most of these things do get spoken about in another installment of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Boozeball 2019 Review

Pat and Bruce talk about Baseball, or boozeball as they like to call it. Find out why on this exciting episode of Pat and the Fat Man, guaranteed to be at least as exciting as a typical major league baseball game. Who do Pat and Bruce root for, are some baseball teams filthy cheaters, what happens when you hit a guy with a ball while he’s running to first base, is there going to be a 2020 season? A few of these questions and possibly more discussed on this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars The Phantom Minus – Part 2

Pat and Bruce continue to discuss George Lucas’s most for children children’s movie evar, Star Wars The Phantom Menace. As we move from Naboo to Tatooine and Coruscant and dive deeper into the first of the prequels. Does Jar-Jar continue to be annoying, are we still shocked by the big reveal concerning Padme, how creepy is the scene between her and Anakin on the star ship, and how cool is the fight scene with Darth Maul? Some, potentially even all, of these things talked about by Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace – Part 1

Pat and Bruce discuss Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Minus..Menus…Men ace? 20 years later how does the first prequel hold up. As good as the Matrix? Is Jar-jar still the most lovable character created in all of fiction in all time? Does the wild vision of George Lucas still hold up after all these years? Some of this stuff gets talked about in this episode of Pat and the Fat Man.

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Star Wars Episode IX Trailer Review

Pat and The Fat Man, Bruce, watch and review the trailer for Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Obviously the movie is already out, but at the time of the review both Pat and Bruce were dunk…I mean, had not yet seen the movie…it might be both…whose to say really. Either way, this is a teaser of extra content you might get by supporting us via the Patreon.

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